
New Heroes of the Storm Characters Bring Portals


Heroes of the Storm, Blizzard Entertainment’s popular multiplayer online battle arena game, is introducing exciting new characters that bring innovative gameplay mechanics to the table. Among these new additions are heroes who possess the ability to create portals, offering unique strategic opportunities for players.

The Rise of Portal Mechanics

Portal mechanics have been a staple in various video games, offering players the ability to traverse distances quickly or manipulate the environment to gain tactical advantages. In Heroes of the Storm, the introduction of heroes with portal abilities marks a significant evolution in gameplay dynamics.

New Heroes with Portal Abilities

Let’s take a closer look at some of the new heroes joining the roster with portal abilities:

1. The Mage Maven

The Mage Maven is a powerful sorcerer who can conjure magical portals at will. These portals can be used to teleport allies across the battlefield or surprise enemies by appearing behind their lines.

2. The Rogue Rogue

The Rogue Rogue is a cunning thief who excels at infiltration and sabotage. With her portal device, she can create temporary rifts in space, allowing her team to outmaneuver opponents or escape dangerous situations.

Strategic Implications

The introduction of heroes with portal abilities introduces new strategic considerations for players. Teams must now factor in the potential for rapid movement across the map, ambushes from unexpected directions, and creative uses of terrain to gain the upper hand in battles.

Community Reaction

Since the announcement of these new heroes, the Heroes of the Storm community has been buzzing with excitement. Players are eager to explore the possibilities offered by portal mechanics and incorporate them into their strategies.


The addition of heroes with portal abilities brings a fresh twist to the gameplay experience in Heroes of the Storm. As players experiment with these new characters and discover innovative strategies, the meta of the game is sure to evolve, keeping the community engaged and eager for more.

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